Michael Licenblat - Mindfulness & Mental Health - Resilience Expert

Travels From Victoria

Speaker Topics

Accelerating Your Productivity: Getting more done in high pressure environments

To achieve more in high pressure environments you need to streamline and maximise your expenditure of time, attention, energy and availability. In todays high pressure environment, you will have multiple priorities that compete for your attention, have many layers of responsibility to account for, and often have requests and demands from people who need your help. Having the right skill set to handle this environment can be the determining factor of whether you meet deadlines, fulfil all your requirements, an uphold a high level of service. Developing disciplined self management skills, having selective availability, doing deep work, and managing your energy expenditure are keys taking control of your workload, and maximising your time usage, and delivering on expectations.

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Becoming Pressure Proof: Thriving in times of disruption, change and challenge

In your current business climate, you will be under great stress to deliver more in less time with fewer resources. You will be confronted by continual changes, pressured by rising competition, and faced with higher expectations. There will always be days of setbacks and failures; changes that you cannot control; workloads that never end, and problems that do not seem to have solutions. You will be required give more of yourself, take on greater responsibility, and, at times, find yourself right out of your comfort zone. Will you be resilient enough to thrive? The reality is that your business future will be filled with pressures and changes that will both challenge you and open up new levels of possibility. A major key to your success is being able to flow with change, adapt to pressure, and remain engaged and motivated, without burning yourself out. This is greatly determined by how fast you can bounce back from the setbacks, challenges, and pressures that may otherwise slow you down, wear you out, or get in your way. In this presentation, Michael will walk you through the 5 levels of personal resilience so that you can achieve more in high pressure environments. Read less
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Building Business Rainmakers: Growing your client base in tough and competitive markets

In times where competition is growing and clients are more discerning, businesses will have to work harder and smarter to secure their market share and business revenue. Whilst most industry professionals are technically orientated, it is having the confidence and motivation to initiate new business, follow up with clients, mine your database for leads, and setting up client meetings can mean the difference between your success and failure. In this presentation, Michael will demystify how to keep your team proactive in their business development and client engagement, and remain motivated in the face of rejections, and setbacks. Take a practical look at the resilience principles that drive technically orientated people to get past their call reluctance or client management aversion and stay proactive and enthusiastic in their business development and achieve your revenue targets. Read less
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Building Sales Resilience: Bouncing back from sales rejections, objections and setbacks

Every year companies spend tens of thousands of dollars on training their sales teams in areas like prospecting, questioning and closing more sales. While this type of training is clearly valuable, it fails to address a key factor impacting sales performance. That is, the ability of the salesperson to manage the rejections and push backs they face on a daily basis. As a significant proportion of initial sales calls, follow ups and meetings end in No, setbacks are a part of any sales process. Most salespeople, however, are never taught how to deal with the impact of hearing no, and as a result, their sales motivation and dollar productivity are diminished and the likelihood of future success reduced. In this presentation, Michael provides practical techniques on how to bounce back from sales setbacks so that you can remain motivated and productive to hit sales targets faster. Read less
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Maximise Your Influence: Handling difficult or demanding people without becoming drained

Creating high performance teams, managing people, delivering excellent service, and building client rapport is greatly determined by your ability to influence and communicate with emotionally charged people, without taking them personally or becoming worked up. The quality of interactions between you, your team and your customers is the pivot point that either leaves people feeling uplifted and wanting to do more business with you; or results in tension and customers going to your competitor for a solution. In this presentation, Michael will explain how to read, and be more influential and effective when working with situations of confrontation, conflict, complaint, or with challenging, non compliant behaviour or negative people, all whilst staying calm, focused, and in control. Not only will this help your team resolve issues faster, but these skills also promote an uplifting morale, and project a professional brand to the market. Read less
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Michael Licenblat

Resilience Expert

In the world of business and professional services, no matter how confident, competent or experienced you are, setbacks are a part of every process. How well you handle those failures, challenges and problems will often determine how successful you are going to be. 

Michael Licenblat is a resilience expert who teaches people how to achieve more in high-pressure environments by bouncing back from pressures, setbacks, and rejections. Born into a family of entrepreneurial parents, Michael grew up working inside the numerous family businesses and quickly learnt that success often came to those who can ride the bumps, get up, and keep going. 

Over 20 years ago, Michael became one of the pioneers in building a successful natural therapies business through overcoming market rejection, refusals, and knockbacks. Drawing on his background in Psychology, Shiatsu therapy, and over 25 years of Martial Arts experience, Michael has helped countless companies become 'pressure proof' and learn how to bounce back from the setbacks and challenges so they can out-achieve their competition. 

In Michael’s upbeat, interactive and hands on presentations, he takes you into the world of reading ‘pressure patterns’ and building personal resilience so that you walk away with practical ideas on how to ‘keep your drive alive’. 

Michael is the author of ‘Pressure Proof – how to thrive in time of disruption, change, and pressure’. His articles are regularly published in several journals and, among his clients, he has delivered presentations to Toyota, Chemmart, Westpac, Optus, REIV, CBus Super, CPA Australia, Jims Group, Catholic Healthcare, Coles Myer Ltd., Pitcher Partners, St George, Smartline, SEEK, Hocking Stuart, Jellis Craig, Maurice Blackburn Lawyers, Swinburne University, RMIT, SalesForce, and the Victorian Parliament.

As the global pandemic continues, Michael Licenblat can tailor his presentation to discuss the effect coronavirus has on performance and productivity. Michael can present his keynote speech by virtual broadcast to your organisation through videoconferencing, live streaming and Zoom events.


Enquire about Michael Licenblat to speak at your next event