Tim Franklin - Motivational Speakers - Tim Franklin: Inspiring Change Through Movement.

Travels From Queensland

Tim Franklin

Tim Franklin: Inspiring Change Through Movement.

Born and raised in Brisbane, Australia, Tim Franklin’s journey to becoming a leading figure in ultra-endurance athletics was anything but conventional. He grew up living a healthy, active lifestyle like most Aussie kids, however, in his adolescence Tim struggled with poor health catalysed by a lifestyle of unhealthy habits. At his darkest hour, weighing in at 120kg, Tim realised his lifestyle fuelled by poor diet, alcohol, corporate life, and partying was likely to send him to an early grave.

However, a pivotal moment during his legal career marked a turning point in his life. During a case he was working on, Tim found himself reflecting on the quote, “the hardest thing a parent has to do is bury their own child”, realising the profound impact his choices could have on loved ones. Motivated to change, he took his first transformative steps by lacing up his shoes for a gruelling 2.2km run which ignited a passion for fitness that continues to drive him today. Tim believed that if not for him, he was changing his life for the people he loved.

From those humble beginnings, Tim has gone on to achieve remarkable feats of mental and physical endurance. His journey spans numerous global competitions in multidiscipline events, further solidifying his status as one of Australia’s leading amateur ultra-endurance athletes. Yet, beyond personal achievements, Tim’s mission has evolved into a broader commitment to inspiring others at their lowest of lows to reframe their narrative and write their new chapter. For Tim, it’s about changing the health of the world one step at a time by empowering people to put their best foot forward every day.

Throughout his journey, Tim encountered numerous challenges, including a pause to be by his father’s side during a critical illness, which further fuelled his determination to complete his set out goal. Guided by his father’s unwavering support and encouragement, Tim persevered, ultimately finishing his monumental run with unwavering resolve in July 2024.

For Tim, what started as a hobby has become a passion. He has transitioned from a corporate career to coaching roles in triathlon, running and strength and conditioning. As a mentor and public speaker, Tim advocates passionately for movement as medicine, believing in its power to transform lives. His goal is to help others find the joy in active living, and to support and guide people through this life transition period and beyond.

Today, Tim continues to inspire and empower others through his advocacy for active lifestyles and resilience in the face of adversity. Partnering with organisations like Fair Go Foundation, he strives to foster a healthier world by encouraging individuals to take proactive steps toward their well-being. Tim’s story is not just about personal achievement but about the transformative power of determination and the resilience to overcome obstacles one step at a time. He encourages people to join him on his journey towards a better, healthier tomorrow, where each stride forward brings us closer to realising our full potential.

Enquire about Tim Franklin to speak at your next event