Mark McCrindle - Motivational Speakers - Hear from a social researcher with an internationa ...

Travels From New South Wales

Speaker Topics

A Demographic Snapshot of Australia: Now and towards 2020

To engage with people and connect with communities, we need to understand the data and the demographics. Population analysis tells a fascinating story of Australia today and reveals clear trend lines. In this session, Mark uses the latest demographic data to give a snapshot of the changes, the trends, the challenges and the opportunities for your brand, organisation and sector Read less
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Changing Times, Emerging Trends

This session gives an analysis of our fast moving times and a snapshot of the key trends redefining our society. It will deliver an overview of the changes and insights to help organisations not just respond to the trends but to shape them. From technological trends to demographic shifts, from social change to generational transitions, this session will define and strategically respond to each of these mega trends. Read less
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Communication Skills for the 21st Century

In our message saturated society, getting effective cut through, engagement and response is a critical challenge. This session will teach and model effective communication based on an understanding of the influence patterns of todays audiences and strategies to best connect. Mark will analyse the visual, social, global and relational aspects of communication today and how workplace communication, public messaging, branding and business communications can effectively respond. Read less
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Emerging Technologies, New Strategies: Trends and tactics with social media

In this session, social researcher Mark McCrindle gives an overview of how to communicate in these message saturated times. He reveals the latest research findings into media consumption, the use of emerging technologies and the key influences on decision making today. He will share insights into best practice communication, maximising retention and how to effectively engage and empower online communities. Read less
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Leading Times in Changing Times: Recruiting, retaining and motivating diverse generations

In a world of flat structures and consultative practices, coaching and mentoring has replaced commanding and controlling. This session delivers the latest findings on how to effectively motivate and lead teams in these 21st Century times. It provides an overview of the best HR practices for today: from attraction and engagement strategies to management practices that connect with an intergenerational workforce. Read less
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The Future Forum

This turbo charged session provides a strategic analysis of the key trends shaping the future and presents research based scenarios to equip teams to thrive amidst the shifts. Based on a top line environmental scan and an overview of the mega trends influencing business, society and customers, these strategy forums use interactive voting technology to rank the issues by priority. Read less
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Understanding and engaging with Generation Z

Todays generation of teenagers and children are the first generation to be wholly shaped in the 21st Century and so are our first truly digitally integrated, wirelessly connected, global generation. However they are more than just students; within the next decade they will comprise over 1 in 4 of our workforce and they are currently consumers with customer influence well beyond their economic footprint. This session will equip teachers, trainers and employers with the knowledge and skills to engage this post literate, multimodal and tech savvy generation. Read less
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Understanding and Engaging with the Ever Changing Customer

With more choice and change, customers are more diverse and empowered than ever before. This session will give an overview of todays macro segments as well as an overview of the emerging micro segments and how businesses can analyse and track new consumer cohorts. In a world of global brands and empowered customers, Mark will outline the key influences and decision drivers for todays consumers. Read less
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Mark McCrindle

Hear from a social researcher with an international following

Working as a social researcher, Mark McCrindle has been recognised as a leader in tracking emerging trends and issues. With an international following, Mark has appeared across numerous media outlets, with his advice and expertise being hailed around the world. 

Mark is a best-selling author, an influential thought leader, TEDx speaker and Principal of his communications and research company, McCrindle Research. 

Producing highly valued research and reports, Mark uses infographics, data visualisations, videos, media input, resources, and blogs, to produce explanatory information in an easy to understand manner. 

Brining a fresh approach to his boardroom briefings, workshops, strategy sessions and keynotes, Mark comes armed with the latest findings. He is able to customise his presentations to ensure they hit any brief. 

As an author, Mark has written three books on the topic of emerging trends and social change, including 'The ABC of XYZ: Understanding the Global Generations', 'Word Up: A Lexicon and Guide to Communication in the 21st Century' and 'The Power of Good'. 


Enquire about Mark McCrindle to speak at your next event