Lauren Anderson - Social Media - Socially game-changing and profitable solutions fo ...

Travels From New South Wales


Social Media

Lauren Anderson

Socially game-changing and profitable solutions for Collaborative Consumption

Lauren Anderson is the Chief Operations Officer for Collaborative Lab working with organizations to deliver socially game-changing and profitable solutions in the Collaborative Consumption space, named by TIME as one of the “10 Ideas That Will Change The World”.

Lauren has played an instrumental role in building the global collaborative consumption movement. Over the past three years, she has been a vital source of strategic knowledge and market insights for entrepreneurs, venture capitalists and government leaders; identifying technology, regulatory and consumer shifts and the implications for the space. Lauren has built a global network of ambassadors across 17 countries to share best practices and local news on

Lauren is a highly skilled public speaker and workshop facilitator, who has delivered keynotes in Europe, Asia, United States, South America and Australia for organizations such as Fast Company, GigaOm, UNEP, Westpac, TEDx Women Southbank, Chosun Biz and FIERGS Brazil.

Her presentations focus on how collaborative consumption will shape the future of business and society, and the unique culture and traits of ‘collaborative entrepreneurship’.

She also writes a regular column for Telstra’s Smarter Business magazine focused on Australian start-up businesses.  

She holds a Bachelor of Creative Industries, majoring in Creative Writing and Journalism, and a Graduate Certificate in Philanthropy and Nonprofit Studies from Queensland University of Technology.

Enquire about Lauren Anderson to speak at your next event