Gabrielle Dolan - Business Coaching - A global thought leader on authentic leadership an ...

Travels From Victoria

Speaker Topics

Authentic Communication

In an ongoing age of information overload and technical disruption, communicating in a way that is more effective and engaging is needed more than ever before. In this entertaining and educational keynote, Gabrielle will show leaders how they can ensure their messages are not only understood but remembered. Pointing out the hidden consequences and often hilarious absurdity of using corporate jargon and business speak, Gabrielle will motivate the audience to speak in a way that is more real. Read less
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Authentic Leadership

By 2020 Generation Y will be the most dominate generation in the workforce and in some industries that is already the case. They are demanding a different style of leader and will not tolerate outdated leadership styles. Based on Gabrielles bestselling book, this compelling keynote will fundamentally challenge the audiences perception on authentic leadership. By providing real life examples the audience will be motivated to embrace authentic leadership and to communicate in a way that is more genuine. Read less
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The Art and Science of Storytelling

Over the last decade business storytelling has emerged as a powerful communication skill and leadership competency. In this high impact keynote, Gabrielle will provide compelling reasons and insights for why leaders need to embrace storytelling to connect, engage and inspire. The audience will experience first hand the power of sharing personal stories to communicate business messages. In addition they will gain valuable insights on what makes a story a story and how to avoid the most common mistakes when sharing stories in business. Read less
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Gabrielle Dolan

A global thought leader on authentic leadership and business storytelling

Gabrielle Dolan is a global thought leader on the power of authentic leadership and the importance of business storytelling. She is a highly sought-after speaker and has worked with thousands of high-profile leaders from across the globe. 

Her credentials include a master’s degree in management and leadership from Swinburne University and an Associate Diploma in Education and Training from the University of Melbourne. She is also a graduate of the Harvard Kennedy School of Executive Education in both the Art and Practice of Leadership Development and Women and Power: Leadership in a New World.

As a speaker, Gabrielle has helped countless companies humanise their communications, including some of Australia's top 50 ASX companies as well as Australia Post, ANZ, NAB, Telstra, Accenture, VISA and International Committee Red Cross and many more. 

Gabrielle is a bestselling author, having published 'Ignite: Real Leadership, Real Talk, Real Results', 'Storytelling for Job Interviews', 'Hooked: How Leaders Connect, Engage and Inspire with Storytelling' and 'Stories for Work: The Essential Guide to Business Storytelling.

With a passion for bringing humanity to the way business people communicate, Gabrielle aims for a clearer business world for both consumers and workers. 


Enquire about Gabrielle Dolan to speak at your next event