Tim Longhurst - Futurists & Future Trends - Dynamic futurist and strategist, inspiring global  ...

Travels From New South Wales

Speaker Topics

An Eye on the Future

Explore with Tim the key themes on how the world is changing and the effects it has on you Read less
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Better Together

How the wisdom of groups is redefining everything Read less
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Buckle Up!

Adapting ourselves to business at the speed of light Read less
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Industry Focus

Tim presents the trends that you can't afford to ignore Read less
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Modern Leadership

Learn lessons from the edge of business and culture Read less
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Opportunities Rock!

Identifying and seizing opportunities in the time of abundance Read less
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Small is the New Big

Learn how the future is being created in small moves Read less
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Tim Longhurst

Dynamic futurist and strategist, inspiring global change with contagious energy and expertise 

Tim Longhurst is a forward-thinking futurist and strategist with a contagious energy sure to captivate and inspire any audience. With background in directing strategy for notable organisations such as the world’s largest digital consultancy, Razorfish, and social change organisation, GetUp, Tim guides clients through the complexities of the changing world.

Tim’s expertise has seen him working with well-known organisations including BNP Paribas, IBM, IKEA, Johnson & Johnson and Microsoft. With clients in fields as diverse as agriculture, education, finance, healthcare, IT, media and the public sector, Tim is regularly engaged for his research and experience, as well as the positive atmosphere his processes create.

Tim’s engaging presentation style and commitment to client satisfaction have earned him the prestigious Certified Speaking Professional (CSP) designation from the National Speakers’ Association.

As the head of Key Massage, a strategist foresight consultancy, Tim advises governments, Fortune 500 companies, and Silicon Valley start-ups on navigating the opportunities presented by rapid change. He is passionate about driving positive social change and sustainability, often collaborating with activists and dynamic non-governmental organisations. Tim’s web posts on innovation and the future are read by thousands worldwide every month.

In addition to his speaking engagements and strategic consulting, Tim is actively involved in mentoring programs and bold experiments aimed at reshaping how individuals work and collaborate. While based in Australia, his global reach extends across North America, Asia, and Oceania, with plans to expand his impact even further, supporting projects that seek to create a more socially just and sustainable world. Through his work, Tim seeks to inspire others to embrace change and seize opportunities for a brighter future.


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