Dr Helena Popovic - Education Speakers - Doctor – Carer – Author – Speake ...

Travels From Queensland

Speaker Topics

Boost Your Brain

Most people work on building up and boosting their financial assets. But how many people work on building up and boosting their greatest asset: their brain? The emerging field of neuroplasticity has shown that the brain can change its own structure and function. It can grow new cells, new circuits and new connections in response to what we do, what we think and how we behave. This presentation distils the essence of the neuroplastic revolution and gives immediately implementable, practical suggestions to improve the functioning of our brain. Read less
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Come Alive and Thrive

Be prepared to get a new lease on life, to reignite your spark, and to have more energy and vitality than you ever remember having. This fast paced, information packed session reveals the key steps to vibrant health and consistently being at your best. This presentation cuts through the clutter of confusing and contradictory messages in the media and reveals how great health is not a distant destination but a daily choice. Read less
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Health Professional Self Care: Do you practise what you preach?

We live in a culture that has confused self care with being selfish. Self care is something we tend to try and fit in only after we have fulfilled all our other duties, obligations and responsibilities. This presentation invites participants to think of self care differently: as something that needs to come first because it enables us to fulfil all our other duties, obligations and responsibilities much more effectively and with more joy. Read less
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Let Healing Happen

This presentation shows how healing can happen if we change the language of medicine from the vocabulary of war to the language of love. Instead of speaking about fighting the infection, battling against cancer and struggling with weight loss, lets care for our bodies, listen to our needs and feel our feelings. In war there are always casualties, whether the battle is won or lost. The same applies when we fight our bodies, even if it is in the name of cure. Our hearts and bodies will guide us if we remove the impediments in our way. Read less
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Meditate for Mastery

The mind is our most powerful tool and our most forceful opponent. What is the mind in relation to the brain and how do they operate? Could stilling the mind be as important as stimulating the mind? What is meditation and why bother with it? By the end of this session, participants will experience meditation as more than just a bubble bath. Mastering our mind is not about forcing ourselves to think positively but choosing to think constructively, or not choosing to think at all. Sometimes pressing the pause button on our thinking enables us to tap into the best solutions. Read less
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The 7 Habits of Highly Healthy People

Great health is not an act, an annual detox or 12 week transformation. Great health is ultimately a habit. Motivation gets you started but habits keep you going. In this presentation you will discover and set up, the key habits of mind and body that ensure optimal health and enable you to be at your best on a daily basis. Read less
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The X Factor for Excellence

The X Factor refers to that indefinable something that makes for star quality. Technical mastery of skills is no longer enough to stand out and be truly memorable. Everyone in these highly competitive times is good. The X factor is about being extraordinary. This does not happen through chance or luck. There is a science, specifically a neuroscience, to success. The X Factor for Excellence is for individuals and organisations who want to be truly remarkable, in business, in performance and in reputation. Read less
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Turn Stress into Success

Stress is an inevitable part of life. Intermittent, mild stress is not a bad thing. It assists in building up our resilience and it switches on our adrenal glands to release performance enhancing chemicals. However chronic or severe stress has a detrimental effect on our performance as well as on our physical, mental and emotional health. Unchecked stress is a contributing factor in every major illness we suffer and can lead to erosion of brain function, reduced immunity to disease and body fat deposition. Helena explains how we can use stress to our advantage and turn stressful events into successful outcomes, both personally and professionally. Read less
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Dr Helena Popovic

Doctor – Carer – Author – Speaker – Media Commentator

Dr Helena Popovic is a successful doctor, author, and speaker who is passionate about sharing education and ideas. She is a leading authority figure on improving brain function and lifestyles to positively impact every individuals life.

Currently, Helena is the Founder and CEO of Choose Health - Better Living for Busy People, which is an organisation built on the notion of powerful education. 

With more stress than ever before in the business world, Helena is passionate about educating corporations, businesses and individuals how to live longer, stronger, happier and healthier lives. She believes that peak health is ideal for peak performance in every day life. 

As an author, her inspiring book titled 'In Search of My Father'. Within it Helena explores the emotional topic of dementia. She tells her personal story whilst giving tips on how to build a better brain at any age as well as powerful and meaningful lessons on leadership, engagement and overcoming challenges. 

Helena's presentations are often described as dynamic, engaging and educational, as she delivers measureable results. She equips her audience with skills that lead to enhanced performance, increased productivity, sharper thinking, incisive problem solving and greater life satisfaction. She injects a zest for life and work into every audience member. 

As the global pandemic continues, Helena Popovic can tailor her presentation to discuss the effect coronavirus has on health and wellbeing. Helena can present her keynote speech by virtual broadcast to your organisation through videoconferencing, live streaming and Zoom events.


Enquire about Dr Helena Popovic to speak at your next event