Stephen Koukoulas - Economists - Uniting Global Vision with Local Insight in Econom ...

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Speaker Topics

Boosting Financial Security for All Australian Women

Stephen delivered a White Paper to the Government outlining the issues associated with the financial security for women. Stephen has presented his paper to a Parliamentary Committee and will continue to advise the government on gender inequality and women’s financial security issues. Read less
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The Cautious Consumer and the Retail Crunch

Household spending accounts for over half of the economy – it is an important driver of whether times are good or bad. We consumers are able to shop around and with some significant global retailers ramping up their Australian operations, local retailers are under pressure to compete. Even more important, consumers are limiting new spending because wages growth is weak, household debt is high and wealth is being eroded by house price and stock market weakness. Read less
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The economic fallout from the Coronavirus Economics delivered on-line

Stephen Koukoulas has established an on-line keynote seminar package on the economic fallout from the Coronavirus. He would like to speak to you, your staff, your clients about what is happening and what is ahead. It is clear the economy is in trouble. The fallout is widespread. Many businesses are in trouble, workers are having their hours and wages cut or, worse, losing their jobs. The dislocation to the way the economy functioned is without precedent. Policy changes are coming thick and fast. Near zero interest rates, printing money, cash handouts, rent and mortgage payment ‘holidays’ are in the mix. Their aim is to limit the fallout so that when this crisis ends, it will be all hands on deck for the recovery and return to normal business. Read less
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The Housing Market

Housing – what is more important and topical for Australian consumers, investors and policy makers alike. And right now, house prices are falling, eating away at household wealth, risking a period of economic weakness in the year ahead. What’s more, housing construction is on the cusp of a slump, driven by a credit crunch and a free-fall in investor demand. What will drive the housing market over the next few years? Read less
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The Kouk's Influencers

Economics matters. Understanding where the economy is and where it is going will drive profits, investment decisions and employment opportunities. This is why the weekly run of economic news is so important. Keeping up to date with these trends, what they mean for interest rates, the Australian dollar and financial markets is the key to staying ahead of the pack. It is also where policy issues are so important. And this is not just interest rates, but what the government does on tax, spending and changes to rules and regulations. And of course, the critical thing is what to do about this news, how it might impact your business, your clients and your personal finances. Read less
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Webinar and a virtual seminar

Stephen is available for on-line seminars for you, your staff, your clients or members. The beauty of Stephen’s presentations is that they can be organised at short notice. They can be tailored to your specific needs. They can be 25 to 30 minutes after which Stephen will stay on-line and answer every question that comes through, however long that takes. People from around Australia – or the world for that matter – can log in and listen, ask questions and hear from an expert on just where the economic fallout is in these troubling times. No audience is too big or too small. Just dial in and listen to the latest issues in the economy, financial markets and the policy makers. Read less
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Stephen Koukoulas

Uniting Global Vision with Local Insight in Economic Discourse

Stephan Koukoulas is a renowned figure in the realm of economics, blending unparalleled global expertise with a deep understanding of local dynamics through his role with his business, Market Economics. Formerly Chief Economist of Chief Economist of Citibank and Senior Economic Advisor to the Australian Prime Minister, Stephan is renowned for driving discourse on critical economics issues including housing, consumer spending, investment strategies, interest rates, and budget policy.

Unburdened by the constraints of traditional bank economists, Stephan fearlessly presents his independent views and analysis. His insights are sought by a variety of stakeholders, from businesses and investors to fund managers and the media, reflecting his reputation as a trusted voice in economic analysis.

Stephan is not only a prolific commentator on platforms like Yahoo Finance and major television networks, including ABC and Sky, but also a sought-after speaker known for his ability to illustrate complex economic concepts for audiences ranging from corporate leaders to students. His engaging style and articulate delivery ensure that discussions on economic outlooks, policy debates, and financial markets are accessible and compelling.

In the wake of the global pandemic, Stephen tailors his presentations to address the pandemics economic implications, offering virtual engagements via videoconferencing, live streaming, and Zoom events. Whether discussing state-specific housing markets, interest rate forecasts, labour market dynamics, or global economic pressures, his presentations are meticulously crafted to meet the specific needs of his audience.

Stephan Koukoulas continues to demonstrate his prowess in forecasting economic cycles, from GDP trends and inflation rates to housing prices and budget forecasts. His ability to delve deeply into client concerns ensures that each presentation is not just informative but directly relevant and impactful. He exemplifies the perfect blend of expertise, insight, and communication skills that distinguish him as a leading economic thinker and speaker on the global stage.


Enquire about Stephen Koukoulas to speak at your next event