Mark McKeon - Communication - Leading work life balance and team cohesion advoca ...

Travels From Victoria

Speaker Topics

Embracing Change

Mark demonstrates how change is inevitable and when we embrace it we can reap the rewards it brings. Exchanging out the ideas of denial and resistance with adjustment and acceptance for a brighter outlook on change and seeing it as a positive. Read less
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Fatigue Management

Mark explains how fatigue leads to chronic underperformance and presentism. Too many corporate people are asleep at their desk resulting in poor engagement, lower standards and no discretionary effort. Mark is able to teach practical strategies for big results. Read less
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Ideal Performance State

Mark takes audiences through a 10 factor questionnaire with three subsections that participants rank themselves with. Many participants score in the lower bracket but realistically need to score 24 out of 30 or higher. Every individual is encouraged to choose two elements they can take immediate action on, and two other elements that will require more effort to reach. All thirty of the IPS elements are achievable and within reach but some require more effort than others. Read less
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Steps to Resilience

Mark teaches audiences, especially those with corporate backgrounds, the importance of recovery and how extended periods of stress can cause individuals to burn out and not work at their optimum level. Read less
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The Go Zone

Under this topic, Mark focusses on the importance of resilience and doing things that we know we should do but do not want to do. He teaches audiences about time management, work effectiveness, ageing well and how to get the most out of life Read less
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Mark McKeon

Leading work life balance and team cohesion advocate

Mark McKeon is one of Australia’s top work-life balance and team unity experts.  He can present keynotes, provide tailored sessions, conduct workshops and conference programs for any organisation, and has a key focus on lifestyle, team-building and leadership.

A popular author and editor, Mark has been involved in various publications. This comprises being a consulting editor to ‘Ultra-Fit’ magazine in both Australia and the UK, a column writer for ‘The Age’ and ‘Panorama’ as well as authoring several books including ‘Work a Little Less, Live a Little More’ and ‘Every Day Counts’.

For fourteen years, McKeon was the fitness and team-building coach for AFL team Collingwood and acted as Collingwood’s Club Runner for more than 250 games, an AFL record. He has also worked with Victoria in the State of Origin Series, on five occasions. Mark also played VFL football for Melbourne and represented the state through the VFA.

In 1998, at the age of forty-one, Mark took part and was a member of the winning team in the inaugural AFL triathlon, which saw him compete against players from all the teams in the sport. Within the same year, he also competed in and gave a commentary on the British Cross Training Challenge in London, which is a gruelling competition.  

With a strong focus on encouraging and improving every individual, Mark is an inspirational and motivational speaker who can strengthen teams, and thus improve productivity. He can also adapt his presentations to tailor them to the needs of the audience.


Enquire about Mark McKeon to speak at your next event