An expert in interviewing and detecting deception
Known throughout Australia as an expert in deception, Steve van Aperen is a leading authority on the truth. A highly sought-after speaker, Steve’s presentations are described as entertaining and educational.
Using real-life examples, Steve draws the audience’s attention to the way people may hide the truth, through omission rather than commission. He points out how what people don’t say is often more important than what they do say! Steve demonstrates how we use language, paralinguistic styles, changes in tenses and body language to deceive others and how to recognise when people are engaging in such behaviours.
Having received extensive training from the world's leading international investigative authorities in how and why people deceive, Steve knows how to spot the truth.
In 1996, Steve was the first Victorian Police Officer to graduate from Western Oregon University USA as a certified polygraph examiner. After graduating Steve trained with and examined polygraph testing and behavioural interview techniques utilised by the Los Angeles Police Department Polygraph Unit, US Secret Service, Los Angeles County Sheriff's Office and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).
Now, Director of Australian Polygraph Services, Steve consults his services to government and corporate organisations across the globe.
Steve has been involved in a number of high profile cases including: