Pete Jeans - Business Speakers - Director at  growth-project advisory practice ...

Travels From New South Wales

Pete Jeans

Director at  growth-project advisory practice, SMO Sydney


Pete Jeans is Head of Ideas and Customer Trust at IDEAgenda. Learn more about his keynote portfolio at

He is  a facilitator at the Australian  Institute of Management  MBA School of Business; and a sessional lecturer in Asia Pacific Business, Human Resource Management, Global Marketing and Leadership units at CSU.

He has published “The Art of Strategic Marketing War – Pearls of Wardom”

on Amazon; and recently co-edited a major textbook on Marketing in Australia for Wiley Publishers.

Pete Jeans has a successful background in multi-nationals and Australian organisations; leading and contributing to increased profitable  share growth.


*             Director at  growth-project advisory practice SMO Sydney since 1992.

*             Lecturer in Asia Pacific Business, Human Resource Management  and Leadership  units at CSU

*             Facilitator at the Australian Institute of Management MBA School of Business

*             Former member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors

*             Former sessional tutor and lecturer at the UWS School of Business

*             Former member of the NSW Council of the Australian Marketing Institute. (two terms)

*             Former member of the National Committee of the “NSW Housing Industry Association – National Kitchen & Bathroom  Association.”

Enquire about Pete Jeans to speak at your next event