Leading Your Team Out of the Pandemic and Into Success

β€œTo handle yourself, use your head; to handle others, use your heart.” – Eleanor Roosevelt Effective leadership has always been critical to the success of a business, but the definition of what it takes to be a good leader has evolved greatly over the last two years. While the fundamentals of good leadership hold tight, …

Finding the New β€˜Business as Usual’ in a Post-Pandemic World

For decades, β€˜business as usual’ meant reporting to the office, meeting with colleagues and sitting at your prescribed desk until home time. In a matter of weeks, everything changed. Covid-19 arrived, and along with it terms like β€˜unprecedented’ and β€˜lockdown’ – words that would completely and irrevocably disrupt standard operating procedure for businesses around the …

β€œOur Gift To You” with Lisa McInnes-Smith

Our next video in β€œOur Gift To You” series is fromΒ Lisa McInnes-Smith Lisa is an Inspirational Speaker who has been inducted into the InternationalΒ Speaker Hall of Fame, being the first Australian to achieve this. In this short video she shares some advice on taking a positive outlook to the changes we face in life as …

“Our Gift To You” with Troy Hazard

Our next video in β€œOur Gift To You” series is from Troy Hazard. Troy is an entrepreneur who has successfully turned around several high profile businesses that were making enormous losses. He was elected by the world’s foremost business leaders for the role of Global President of the Entrepreneurs’ Organization and he is the author …

Our Gift To you with Lynne Schinella

The next speakers in β€œOur Gift To You” series is Lynne Schinella who is a business speaker specialising in workplace communication helping you build a respectful, connected and thriving culture. This new video shares some of her thoughts in relation to understanding each other’s differences in order to be able to work together more effectively …

Our Gift To You with Mark Squirrel

The next speaker in “Our Gift To You Series” is Mark Squirrel whoΒ is former Green Beret and International Aid Worker withΒ firsthand experience in what it’s like to lead teams within an infectious disease outbreak. During the 2015 Ebola Outbreak he quickly realised that traditional leadership approaches and strategies were failing to address the fear and …

Our Gift To You with Donna McGeorge – Making Work From Home Work

Donna McGeorge is aΒ dynamic transformer of company culture and the next speaker in our β€œGift To You” series. She specialises in encouraging individual problem-solving, initiative, empowerment and self-responsibility. One of Donna’s Motivational speaking topics is titled β€œAnywhere, Anytime” which focuses on virtual teams. Her belief is that we should stop talking about virtual teams, because …

Amazon has arrived. Is your business ready?

Amazon has finally launched in Australia and is set to change our business landscape. In this short 2 minute video, consumer and retail expert Amanda Stevens shows how your customers could be impacted. Amanda quickly shares: β€’ Why customer experience is the number one factor for business survival. β€’ Drones will soon be delivering our …