“What if, instead of spending precious time and energy at war with their bodies, our young people were free to become the leaders, big thinkers and game changers the world needs more of right now?” – Taryn Brumfitt
Taryn Brumfitt is on a global crusade to end body dissatisfaction and shift the way people think about themselves and their bodies. And you can bet she’ll use her new platform as 2023 Australian of the Year to do it.
When Taryn posted reverse ‘before’ and ‘after’ pictures of herself on social media in 2013 highlighting the toxicity behind aggressive health culture, it just about broke the internet. Flooded with thousands of messages of support, that one viral post ignited an international body image movement that has since inspired millions of people to change the way they look at their bodies.
Taryn’s 2016 social-change documentary ‘Embrace’, which focuses on body positivity and acceptance, is streamed on Netflix and has been shown in more than 190 countries worldwide. Her latest documentary, Embrace Kids, was released last September and spreads a similar message, this time aiming to help children appreciate and understand what their bodies can do.
With four best-selling books under her belt and coverage in the likes of the L.A Times, Washington Post, Good Morning America, The Project, Australian Story and The Today Show, it’s estimated that Taryn’s body positivity messages have reached more than 200 million people globally. And as an internationally-renowned motivational speaker, her messages continue to inspire audiences on the ground too.
Accepting her accolade from the prime minister, Anthony Albanese, at the National Arboretum Canberra on Wednesday night, Taryn spoke about her belief that body-shaming is a universal problem, with people “bullied and shamed into thinking their bodies are the problem.”
In her speech, Taryn reflected that “We weren’t born into the world hating our bodies, this is something the world has taught us… There is so much despair in this nation for children and adults when it comes to what we think and how we feel about our bodies.”
With 70% of Australian school children considering body image to be their number one concern, Taryn believes we are now facing a paediatric health emergency.
“Little Aussies describe their bodies as strong and energetic and powerful, and they have genuine love for all the things their bodies can do. This gives me hope that we can get in early and block the shame and despair.”
There’s no doubt that Taryn’s new status will provide a prominent global platform from which to deliver her message about learning to move, nourish, respect and enjoy our bodies. And that’s the message at the heart of everything she does, because – as she says – “you can’t look after something you don’t love.”
Congratulations Taryn, you’re a true inspiration and a deserving recipient of Australian of the Year honours!
If you’d like to engage 2023 Australian of the Year Taryn Brumfitt to share her inspiring journey with your team, get in touch with us for a chat. We also have a number of other worthy Australian of the Year winners we can introduce you to, including Dylan Alcott, Rosie Batty, Dr. Craig Challen and Dr. Richard Harris – all wonderful speakers with incredible stories of their own to tell.