1300 661 904
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Team Building
Paul Jordan - Adventure & Challenge - Ex-SAS, UN Peacekeeper, Security Expert, Corporate ...
John Novak - Team Building - Reach your full potential 
The Picasso Factor - Team Building - Get creative and work together to produce a piece  ...
John Bertrand - Adventure & Challenge - The Australian yachting legend with extensive lead ...
Tim Ellis - Feature Acts - One of Australia
Archie Thompson - Sports Heroes - Former Socceroo, media personality and child safet ...
Steve Sharp - Leadership - Supporting leaders to unlock potential by curating ...
Dr David Craig - Leadership - Leading Under Pressure
Jahan Kalantar - Business Speakers - Lawyer, University Lecturer, and Entrepreneur
Kevin Kelly - After Dinner Entertainers - Bodhrán Drumming Expert and Inspirational S ...
Rachael Lynch - Mindfulness & Mental Health - Elite Athlete & Mental Health Ambassador
Mark Visser - Motivational Speakers - Founder of The Ocean Warrior course. Big Wave Padd ...

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