Bryan Dawe - Comedians - Well known for his Satirical character ‘Sir  ...

Travels From Victoria



Bryan Dawe

Well known for his Satirical character ‘Sir Murray Rivers QC’

Bryan Dawe is a writer, performer and satirist who was told he would never amount to much.  His careers advisor scoffed at the thought of Dawe becoming a Barrister, writer, performer or director because of his background growing up in working class Port Adelaide in the 50’s and 60’s.  Bryan left school at the age of 15 and spent the next 25 years proving him wrong.  Performing on stage, radio and television, Dawe also wrote and directed. 

Determined to succeed where he was told he couldn’t Bryan created the character Sir Murray Rivers QC.  Dawe became the barrister he was told he couldn’t be.  And just to give it even further credibility he made his character a judge and then knighted him.  Dawe also created Roly Parks from Kalangadoo, a much loved character by audiences.

His highly entertaining, funny yet melancholic story introduces his characters as he gives a humorous insight into Australian. Bruce McAvaney, another student from Woodville High would describe his appearance as “a VERY SPECIAL 45 minute talk”.

Enquire about Bryan Dawe to speak at your next event